Welcome to the Las Vegas SC2 Challenge
Over the course of eight (8) months starting February 5, 2014, your team is invited to submit an Economic Development Proposal (Proposal) to the city of Las Vegas. Your Proposal will be based on a comprehensive understanding of local, regional, and global economic realities and will aim to foster long-term economic development, job creation and community prosperity. You must choose to develop a Proposal for one of four target areas:
- Cashman Center;
- Las Vegas Medical District;
- Business Parks;
- Redevelopment Agency Projects.
There are two required and one optional sections of each Proposal. You must comply with all of these instructions. Once you have submitted your complete Proposal, it will be reviewed by Las Vegas staff to ensure compliance with the instructions. If your Proposal is not complete, it may be excluded from further consideration. In order to submit a Proposal, you must also comply with the Terms & Conditions of this SC2 Challenge, including confirmation that any materials are unencumbered by rights of intellectual property and may be used, retained and utilized beyond your control.
The three sections allow you to cross reference your materials. This is an important tactic that allows you to provide summary explanations with references to more detailed information. Understand that we anticipate receiving many Proposals, and you are asked to distinguish yourself by provoking greater interest in your ideas. You should plan to offer compelling and succinct presentations that will encourage judges to read more or to dig deeper into more detailed sections of your Proposal. Further, the judging criteria are heavily weighted to reward substance over style. A well-articulated presentation is important, but you need to focus your time describing solutions with cutting-edge concepts and ideas that could be applied to address real economic development challenges in the city of Las Vegas.
You are one among many other teams. If your Proposal is selected to receive a cash award, then your team is eligible to receive one of the following prizes:
- 1st place: $60,000
- 2nd place: $30,000
- 3rd place: $10,000
Also, those teams that receive the highest scores may be invited to participate in the second round of this SC2 Challenge as a finalist, when you will be competing against a smaller set of participants for larger cash rewards. You will be provided the opportunity to expand upon your Proposal and develop a more comprehensive Economic Development Plan (Plan). Here are a set of Economic Development Planning Tips that offer some insight into what will be expected of you, if you are selected to develop a Plan.
Your Proposal should aim toward two critical objectives. First, you will showcase your talent and potential for advancing to the next round. Judges want to know that you are capable of developing a more sophisticated Plan. Second, you are asked to deliver one discrete Economic Development Project (Project) within your proposal. The Project needs to represent your overall strategy, and it needs to provide sufficient detail, so the city may consider it as a potential investment opportunity. Your Project needs to be practical and make sense within your larger Proposal. It needs to show that you are aware of cost implications and other concrete challenges, such as when the city could expect a return on the investment. When developing your Proposal, lead with a clear demonstration of your capabilities and showcase your talent by delivering a compelling and concrete example of your proposed recommendations.
SECTION 1: Executive Summary
You are required to submit a paper of no more than five (5) pages that summarizes your major points and the specific Project. Here is the outline for your Executive Summary. Cover these points succinctly and expand upon them in the full body of your Proposal (see Section 2).
- Demonstrate that you have investigated regional and local economic development conditions by linking your recommendations to a broader understanding of those trends, particularly any that you feel would support your proposed solutions.
- Provide a broad but compelling description of your general economic development strategy – explain why your approach is both innovative and practical; offer why and how you've adopted a particular approach.
- Outline a proposed Project that best embodies your strategic approach. Offer context and explain how the Project is emblematic of an effective overarching plan or proposed "set of recommendations."
- Be specific – describe how and when the Project will yield a net return on the investment and focus on why the Project may represent other related proposed activities.
- Be accountable – identify where there may be a need for further development of the Project and be sure to offer a clear description of a pathway for resolving any outstanding issues; it's OK to admit that concepts may require more work, so long as you're demonstrating an ability to overcome challenges and resolve any threats to the proposed Project.
- Be bold – don't be afraid of new or inventive ideas. Audacity counts, so long as it is rooted in sound economic principles and an understanding of the related risks for adopting your ideas.
- Select the measure of your success. Whether you're counting jobs or some other return on investment, make sure that you have modeled why you've chosen a particular metric or set of measures. Be as quantifiable as you can be.
NOTE: These points are a lot to cover in a five page paper. So, it is essential that you reference or link to more sophisticated analysis and explanation that can be provided in the full body of the Proposal (See Section 2). Your job is to make the judges want to read more and ask questions that you'll answer in greater detail.
You will submit your Executive Summary by uploading a PDF file. This is the only file type that the system will accept. Your proposal may be rejected if you do not provide the required elements of this section or if your Executive Summary exceeds five (5) pages.
SECTION 2: Economic Development Proposal
This is your opportunity to showcase your level of effort or the depth of your research and investigation. The main body of your Proposal cannot exceed twenty-five pages (including any appendices). The purpose of the main body of the Proposal is to provide a deeper set of explanations and copy from which you should cite references in the Executive Summary. You are welcome to include graphic illustrations of your findings, such as tables and figures. Those may be displayed however you feel is most appropriate. The full body of your Proposal will also include other detailed information.
Here is the outline:
- Identify your Multidisciplinary Team members; let us know who you are and lead with your most credible accomplishments – it is OK to represent team members who are not typically associated with economic development work; in fact, we are inviting a broad diversity of expertise.
- Publish your detailed analysis of regional and local economic conditions and trends; substantiate any claims made in the Executive Summary which would lend greater depth to your understanding of those issues.
- Declare your broad strategic approach, including a justification and reasoning for using proposed tactics; base them upon your previous analysis. Include a brief description of the economic strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (i.e., "SWOT") that have been considered. It is important to realize potential threats to your Proposal, but focus on your ability to address or overcome them. The SWOT framework is a required method of analysis; show that you can use it.
- Describe your proposed Project in detail; offer an explanation for why it embodies your larger strategy, why you have chosen it to showcase your capabilities, what it may offer as a stand-alone representation of any other considerations.
- Include a description of the resource requirements to advance the Project. You must include draft budgets and explanations for any assumed expenses and/or other implied cost. Here, you are showcasing your ability to be concrete, to recognize practical limitations and to propose solutions that will demonstrate a focus on efficiency.
- Explain how the Project will generate net benefits; at what point will the investment "pay off" for the city? How? Why? When? If it is relevant, you are welcome to include any explanation for how the proposed Project may scale or expand to include other projects.
- Measure or describe any intended outcomes. Adopt a system of metrics that allow you to focus on any or all of the following questions:
- How will your Proposal impact industries and occupations (either growing or declining) and why?
- What is the net impact on job retention and creation; why?
- Where will your Proposal have the greatest impact (declining or growing areas) and why?
- When will the Proposal generate a net positive impact on the city and why? If you can, please look at or beyond a ten (10) year timeline for making an impact. At a minimum, illustrate the projected net positive impact over an initial five (5) year period.
- Taking into consideration the regional and surrounding local economies, consider how the Proposal will both utilize those strengths and/or help to resolve those conditions, as well.
- Conclude with your most ambitious view for the future of the city, should your Proposal be adopted, and why your strategic approach is critical to realizing that vision.
You will submit the full body of your Proposal by uploading a PDF file. This is the only file type that the system will accept. It is suggested that you limit the full body of your proposal to twenty-five (25) pages or less.
SECTION 3: Video Presentation (Optional)
Each Proposal may include a short video presentation of no more than five (5) minutes. When developing your video presentation, plan to cover the core elements in your Executive Summary. It is important to realize that by allowing you to choose whether to include a video presentation, we are not emphasizing style over substance. For some, the video presentation may be outside of your core competencies. We want you to focus on producing a sincere and thoughtful message. If you add a video, you will be responsible to upload your video to YouTube and copy the video's YouTube ID into the proposal submission page. Click here to see a short video showing how to identify a YouTube video ID. YouTube will accept any of the follwing format types:
- WebM files: Vp8 video codec and Vorbis Audio codecs
- .MPEG4, 3GPP and MOV files: Typically supporting h264, mpeg4 video codecs, and AAC audio codec
- .AVI: Many cameras output this format - typically the video codec is MJPEG and audio is PCM
- .MPEGPS: Typically supporting MPEG2 video codec and MP2 audio
- .WMV
- .FLV: Adobe-FLV1 video codec, MP3 audio